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Jenn Monette *



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Scholastic Book Orders

Course Expectations

Shop Online:
One-Time Class Activation Code: GP48B

Dear Families,
Good news! This month's Scholastic Reading Club flyers are ready for you to explore with your child. Children read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to look at the flyers together. Each flyer is filled with grade-specific, affordable titles.
     Place your order online at or send the order form and payment to me. Ordering online is the easiest way to ensure I get your order on time. Also, there are more books to choose from as well as teacher recommendations.
     Remember, for every book you order, our class earns FREE Books and supplies...and we have our eye on some new additions.
Thank you for your support!

PS: Books make wonderful gifts! Please let me know if your order includes a gift, and I will contact you when it arrives.

Ordering online is fast and easy:

  •  VISIT

  •  ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (top of this letter)

  •  SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books and value packs

  •  SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom

  •  All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!


Citizenship/Behavior Standards

            Academic Dishonesty

                   If students are found guilty of academic dishonesty (cheating), the teacher shall collect the assignment, and mark a zero for the work. Academic dishonesty also includes the forging of a parent’s name on ANY form or assignment.  As a consequence a “U” in citizenship will be assigned for that quarter grading period, and the parent will be notified of the event and the consequences.

            Citizenship Grades

                        Citizenship grades will be based on the student’s ability to follow classroom rules and procedures. All students are expected to follow the classroom rules. Students should come to class prepared to learn with any assignment due that day. Food, drink, gum/candy, toys, stuffed animals, as well as grooming items (make-up, lotion, mirrors, etc.) are not allowed in the classroom.

                                O = Outstanding    The student is always prepared for class, actively participates in activities and is a positive influence on other students.

                                S = Satisfactory      The student is generally prepared for class, frequently participates in class and does not infringe on the rights of other students.

                                N = Needs Improvement      The student isn’t as prepared as they should be for class, and needs to work on following school/classroom rules and procedures.

                                U = Unsatisfactory      The student is frequently unprepared for class, fails to participate in activities, exhibits behavior that interferes with the learning of other students, and does not follow school and/or classroom rules and procedures.  Forgery and/or cheating will result in an automatic “U”.


Santiago English Language Arts Course Expectations

Seventh Grade ELA



          Students are required to bring the following to class daily:



  • School agenda

  • Pencils

  • Blue or black pens

  • Highlighters



Hours of Availability
















Grading Policy/Evaluation

        Grading Scale

                        A student’s grade will be computed using a point system for each assignment.

            Assignments may include: Tests and quizzes, projects, Class assignments, Homework/participation, Spelling/Vocabulary


Standards of Work

  1. Participation is necessary to the academic success of every student; therefore, absenteeism will have a negative impact on the student’s grade.

  2. Students are expected to come to class prepared and be active participants in all classroom activities.

  3. Assignments turned in without a name will result in a loss of points, only if the assignment is retrieved and claimed (teacher procedures for this will vary) and handed back in with the name clearly written as part of a proper heading.  Otherwise, the assignment will not receive credit.

  4. Any assignment involving cheating or plagiarism will receive a zero and a dean’s referral.

  5. Partially completed assignments will receive reduced points.


Class Procedures


                   Homework will be given Monday through Thursday.  Homework will include reading each night and any unfinished classwork and assignments. In addition, there may be projects that are to be completed at home as homework.

            Make-up Work:

Essentially, it is the student’s responsibility to get any missed work either prior to, or upon return of an absence.  Due dates will be determined by the teacher at that time. Again, please refer to the student agenda for more detail.

            Class Participation

                   Students are expected to sign into Zoom for their class period. They should be dressed and not eating. Students will contribute to class and small group discussions. Students will be expected to read at home to maintain and improve their overall reading comprehension and fluency.


            *Cell phones should be turned off and out of sight. Students may not use cell phones on campus.  Cell phones that ring in the classroom will be confiscated and turned in to the Office.  This will be the case for any music player and or earphones as well.




  • Respect the rights of others and accept responsibility for your own behavior.

  • Be on time and prepared with all materials.

  • Participate in a polite and cooperative manner.

  • Follow all directions/procedures.

  • Do your best.

*Severe behavior will result in immediate removal from the classroom to the Office.


Below you will find my email address and school phone number. If there are any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting you during Back to School Night.




Jennifer Monette

8th Grade English Language Arts & 7th Grade ELA


School # (714)564-8400         

*Revised 08/17/2020

Schedule 2020.jpg
Remind Contact System
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Welcome to 7th & 8th

Grade ELA!


 Canvas can be accessed through Google. Students should go to the "waffle" at the top of the page and click on it. Then click down to see canvas.


My Access Writing Website


Do You Want To Be Published?

Poetic Power

To submit or approve submitted works for essays and poems go to the following link

Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 1.01.02 PM.png

The Outsiders

The Hunger Games

8th Grade Novels

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Lord of the Flies


A Visit from Miss California

Bree Morse was Ms. Monette's former 8th grade student. Here she is talking to AVID students after fundraising for the PTA jog a thon. Please look at her website to know how you can contribute to her causes.


8th grade ELA went to Sea World after reading about Bethany Hamilton and doing shark research.


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